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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
machines pour le revêtement des tissus et autres supports en vue de la fabrication de couvre-parquets, tels que linoléum machines of a kind used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support
machiniste machine operator
maçon mason
macroéconomie macroeconomics
macroéconomie macroeconomics (The study of the behaviour of the overall economy)
magasin semencier grain shop
magasin semencier grain shop (cereal bank)
magazine magazine
magie magic
magistrat judge
main-d'oeuvre labour force
main-d'oeuvre labour force (The economically active population)
main-d'oeuvre, emploi, chomage et mobilité labour force, employment, unemployment and mobility
Maine Maine
maintenir à titre transitoire et dégressif une aide nationale maintain a national aid on a transitional and degressive basis
maintenir une réserve maintain a reservation
maintien d'effectifs en surnombre labour hoarding
maintien d'effectifs en surnombre labour hoarding (The retention of labour by an employer during an economic recession when the cost of firing and hiring would exceed current labour costs; likewise, the retention of highly specialized labour or of workers in whom important training investments have been made)
maintien des droits acquis maintenance of acquired rights
maintien des droits acquis maintenance of acquired rights (The retention of accumulated benefit rights or other contractual privileges (e.g. rights to pension and paid leave) when changing jobs or upon termination of employment)