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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
lixiviat leachate
lixiviat landfill leachate
lixiviat de décharge landfill leachate
lixiviat de décharge leachate
lixiviat de décharge landfill leachate (Liquid that has seeped through solid waste in a landfill and has extracted soluble dissolved or suspended materials in the process)
lixiviation leaching (1. The process of separating a liquid from a solid - as in waste liquid by percolation into the surrounding soil. 2. Extraction of soluble components of a solid mixture by percolating a solvent through it. 3. To lose or cause to lose soluble substances by the action of a percolating liquid)
lixiviation acide sous pression acidic leaching under pressure
lixiviation des déchets riches en alpha leaching of alpha waste
lixiviation du champ field leaching
lixiviation du sel salt leaching
lixiviats de décharge landfill leachate
lixiviats de décharges landfill leachate
local des réactifs chemical dosing plant
local des réactifs chemical house
localisateur de bruit noise tracker
localisation à partir de points fixes fixed-point detection
localisation du dépassement localisation of the exceedance
localisation du transport destination of transport (The targeted place to which persons, materials or commodities are conveyed over land, water or through the air)
location immobilière estate rental
location immobilière estate rental (The service provided by an owner agreeing to grant the temporary possession of specific housing in return for the payment of rent from the tenant)