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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
Internationale socialiste Socialist International
interné civil civilian internee
internement abusif illegal internment
Internet Internet
interpellation question put to a minister
interpellation question relating to a point of order
interpénétration plus étroite des marchés nationaux des valeurs mobilières greater interpenetration of national securities markets
interpénétration sectorielle intersectoral interlocking
interphone talkback
interphone intercommunication system
interphone talk-back circuit
interphone two-way loud speaker
interphonie interphone system
interphonie et distribution de l'heure intercom system and automatic clock system
interpiliers cross-pillar
interpiliers interpillar
INTERPOL The International Criminal Police Organisation - INTERPOL
interpoler une phrase dans un discours add a sentence to a speech
interprétation avec relais interpretation in relay