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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
imprudent imprudent
imputabilité imputability
imputabilité de l'infraction liability for the infringement
imputabilité de l'infraction attributability of an infringement
imputabilité de l'infraction responsibility for the infringement
imputable à attributable to
imputation assessment
imputation d'un paiement à une dette application of a payment to a debt
imputation d'une infraction imputation of the commission of a crime
imputation d'une maladie repoussante imputation of a loathsome disease
imputation des frais à un compte charging of the expenses to an account
imputation des paiements appropriation of payment
imputer un crime à un innocent impute a crime to an innocent person
inactif dormant
inaction abstention
inaction laches
inaction failure to act
inaction failure to perform
inaction fault by omission
inaction fault of omission