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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
il a le front dégarni he has a receding hairline
il a le même âge que moi he's the same age as me
il a le profil parfait pour être président he's ideal presidential material
il a le regard clair he's got bright eyes
il a le visage en lame de couteau he is hatchet-faced
il a les épaules qui tombent he's got sloping shoulders
il a les lèvres bleues his lips are blue
il a les yeux qui se ferment he can't keep his eyes open
il a longtemps combattu la maladie he fought against the disease for a long time
il a longtemps combattu la maladie he struggled against the disease for a long time
il a longtemps flirté avec le socialisme he had a long flirtation with socialism
il a longuement fait applaudir le pianiste he led a long round of applause for the pianist
il a lu, à l'appui, une lettre datée du 24 mai in support of this, he read out a letter dated 24th May
il a lu, à l'appui, une lettre datée du 24 mai back this up, he read out a letter dated 24th May
il a mal mené sa barque he didn't manage his affairs well
il a mal réagi à son départ he reacted badly to her leaving
il a mal vieilli he hasn't aged well
il a manqué son coup he didn't pull it off
il a marché dans ce que je pense he trod in some you-know-what
il a mauvaise mine he doesn't look very well