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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
immersion des déchets sinking of waste
immersion des déchets sinking of waste (A manner of waste disposal in which refuse or unwanted material is dumped or submerged beneath the surface of a body of water)
immersion en mer de déchets radioactifs sea dumping of radioactive waste
immeuble collectif apartment house
immeuble d'appartements apartment house
immeuble d'appartements apartment block
immeuble de grande hauteur high-rise building (Any tall, multistoried structure or edifice that is equipped with elevators)
immeuble de rapport apartment house
immeuble en copropriété apartment block
immeuble en copropriété apartment block (An apartment building in which each apartment is individually wholly owned and the common areas are jointly owned)
immeuble ministériel ministry building (Any structure or edifice occupied by a body of top government administrators or other high ranking public officials selected or appointed by a head of state to manage certain aspects of a state's affairs)
immeuble pluri-familial apartment house
immeuble riverain adjoining property
immeuble termité termite infested building
immission immission (The reception of material, such as pollutants, by the environment and from any source)
immission immission
immission de bruit intrusive noise
immission de bruit noise intrusion
immission de poussière dust immission
immission des polluants pollutant immission (The transfer of solid, liquid, or gaseous contaminants in the air, water, and soil)