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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
gouvernance governance (The manner in which power and authority are exercised by both public and private bodies. Covers management, legal framework, accountability and transparency)
gouvernance conjointe joint governance
gouvernance conjointe joint governance (codetermination)
gouvernance d'entreprise corporate governance
gouvernance d'entreprise corporate governance (management)
gouvernance territoriale territorial governance
Gouvernement Government
Gouvernement de l'Andhra Pradesh Government of Andhra Pradesh
gouvernement de l'état state government
gouvernement de l'état state government (regional government)
Gouvernement du Gujarat Government of Gujarat
gouvernement et administration publique government and public administration
gouvernement hôte host government
gouvernement militaire military government
graine seed
grand invalide severely disabled
Grande Région Saar - Lor - Lux - Rhénanie - Palatinat - Wallonie- Communauté française et germanophone de Belgique Greater Region
Grande Région transfrontalière Greater Region
Grande-Bretagne Great Britain
Grande-Bretagne Great Britain (UK)