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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (2473 entries)
gondériose (Gonderia (spp.)) gonderiosis
gondériose bénigne (Gonderia mutans=Theileria mutans) Marico calf disease
goniocote compagnon (Goniocotes compar) broad pigeon louse
goniocote géant de la poule (Goniocotes gigas) large chicken louse
goniocote géant de la poule (Goniocotes gigas) large body louse of poultry
goniocote hologastre (Goniocotes hologaster) fluff louse
goniode dissemblable (Goniodes dissimilis) brown chicken louse
goniode nain (Goniodes minor) pigeon louse
goniode stylifère (Goniodes stylifer) slender turkey louse
goutte (uricosis) acute toxic nephritis
goutte articulaire articular gout
goutte épaisse colorée thick stained smear
goutte viscérale visceral gout
grand pou de la poule (Goniocotes gigas) large chicken louse
grand pou de la poule (Goniocotes gigas) large body louse of poultry
grand pou du boeuf (Haematopinus eurysternus) short-nosed cattle louse
grand pou du cheval (Haematopinus asini) horse sucking louse
grand strongle respiratoire du mouton (Dictyocaulus filaria) sheep lungworm
grand strongle respiratoire du mouton (Dictyocaulus filaria) large lungworm of sheep
grand trochanter du fémur great trochanter of the femur