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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
gaz à l'état de trace trace gas
gaz à l'état de traces trace gas
gaz acidifiant acidifying gas
gaz brûlé flue gas
gaz brûlé (de gueulard) flue gas
gaz brut crude gas
gaz brut dirty gas
gaz brut raw gas
gaz brut rough gas
gaz brut unrefined gas
gaz carbonique carbon dioxide
gaz carbonique liquide liquid carbon dioxide
gaz combustible heating gas
gaz d'échappement exhaust gas (Offgas produced during combustion processes discharged directly or ultimately to the atmosphere)
gaz d'échappement vehicle exhaust gas
gaz d'échappement off-gases
gaz d'échappement automobile motor vehicle exhaust gas (Gases vented to the atmosphere by internal-combustion-engine driven vehicles)
gaz d'échappement dilués diluted exhaust gases
gaz d'égout sewage gases
gaz d'égout sewer gases