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Terms for subject Agriculture (67558 entries)
frais des capitaux capital costs
frais du capital capital costs
frais financiers découlant des achats de stockage public financial costs resulting from buying-in for public storage
frais généraux general costs
frais généraux general expenses
frais généraux de production et de commercialisation overhead costs of production and marketing
frais indirects general costs
frais indirects general expenses
frais indirects overhead costs
frais occasionnés par un crédit credit charges
frais occasionnés par un crédit loan charges
frais spécifiques du stockage specific storage costs
frais techniques de stockage actual storage costs
frais techniques découlant des achats de stockage public technical costs resulting from buying in for public storage
frais techniques relatifs au stockage public technical costs of public storage
frais variables totaux total variable costs
frais vétérinaires veterinary fees
fraisage profond deep rotary tillage
fraise cutterhead
fraise strawberry