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Terms for subject Finances (53575 entries)
flottement temporaire temporary floating
flotter float
flotter à la hausse float upwards
flotter à la hausse float upwards
flotter isolément float independently
fluage yielding
fluctuation bilatérale de la monnaie bilateral fluctuation of the currency
fluctuation conjoncturelle fluctuation around a trend
fluctuation conjoncturelle fluctuation around an average
fluctuation cyclique cyclical fluctuation
fluctuation de la demande fluctuation in demand
fluctuation des cours exchange rate fluctuations
fluctuation des cours fluctuations in prices
fluctuation des cours fluctuations in the rate of exchange
fluctuation des taux de change currency exchange rate fluctuation
fluctuation du taux de change exchange rate fluctuation
fluctuation du taux de change fluctuating exchange rate
fluctuation en toile d'araignée cobweb fluctuation
fluctuation minimale minimum price change
fluctuation minimale minimum quotation spread