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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
fleur de printemps cowslip
fleur écologique organically grown flower
fleuve river
flexion deflection
floc floc
floc bactérien flocculant microorganism
flocage d'amiante pour ignifugation limpet spraying
floculant flocculant (A reagent added to a dispersion of solids in a liquid to bring together the fine particles to form flocs)
floculant flocculant
floculant flocking agent
floculat floc
floculateur flocculator
floculation flocculation (A process of contact and adhesion whereby the particles of a dispersed substance form large clusters or the aggregation of particles in a colloid to form small lumps, which then settle out)
floculation à voile de boue sludge-blanket flocculation
floculation chimique chemical floculation
floculation par agitateur hydraulic flocculation
floculation-décantation clari-flocculation
floraison des algues algal bloom
floraison des algues growth of algae
flore flora (biology, The plant life characterizing a specific geographic region or environment)