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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
flamber flame
flamme persistante after flame
flammèche firebrand
flammes à l'air libre open flame
flanche season
flash-over flashover
fleur flower (The reproductive structure of angiosperm plants, consisting of stamens and carpels surrounded by petals and sepals all borne on the receptacle)
fleur de coucou cowslip
fleur de printemps cowslip
fleur écologique organically grown flower
fleuve river
flexion deflection
floc floc
floc bactérien flocculant microorganism
flocage d'amiante pour ignifugation limpet spraying
floculant flocculant (A reagent added to a dispersion of solids in a liquid to bring together the fine particles to form flocs)
floculant flocculant
floculant flocking agent
floculat floc
floculateur flocculator