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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
finition finishing
finlandais Finnish
fiscalité taxation
Fiscalité Taxation
fixation du prix pricing
fixation du salaire wage determination
fixation du salaire wage determination (The process of setting wage rates or establishing wage structures in particular situations)
fixer les incompatibilités applicables lay down rules relating to incompatibility
fixer une astreinte order a periodic payment by way of a penalty
fixer une astreinte order a periodic penalty payment
FL Florida
Flandre Flanders
Flandres Flanders
fleur flower
flexibilité du travail labour flexibility (The relaxing of labour regulations which are considered an obstacle to growth and employment creation. Includes flexibility in wages, hours of work, work organization, and also in labour utilization through flexible hiring and employment practices. (1997))
Floride Florida
flotte marchande merchant fleet
flotte marchande merchant fleet (merchant marine)
fluctuation économique economic fluctuation