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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
félidé felid
félidé felids
félidé felid (Predatory mammal, including cats, lions, leopards, tigers, jaguars, and cheetahs, typically having a round head and retractile claws)
félins cats
félins felines
femme woman (An adult human female)
fenhexamide fenhexamid
fenpropathrine alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl 2, 2, 3, 3-tetramethylcyclopropanecarboxylate
fenpropidine fenpropidin
fente de dessication mud crack
fer iron (A malleable ductile silvery-white ferromagnetic metallic element occurring principally in haematite and magnetite. It is widely used for structural and engineering purposes)
fer de lance terciopolo
fer de lance rainforest hog-nose pit viper
fer de lance slender hog-nosed pit viper
ferme farm building (The dwelling on a farm as distinguished from utility buildings as a barn, corncrib, milk house)
ferme farm (Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock)
ferme (bâtiment farm building
ferme avicole poultry farming
ferme avicole poultry farming (One of the commonest of agricultural occupations. Many urban households and many farms maintain some chickens for both meat and eggs)
ferme d'élevage d'ours bear farm