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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
faisan de Birmanie Hume's bar-tailed pheasant
faisan de Birmanie Hume's pheasant
faisan de Colchide pheasant
faisan de l'Himalaya Cheer pheasant
faisan de Wallich Cheer pheasant
faisan mikado Mikado pheasant
faisan noble crested fireback
falaise cliff (A steep coastal declivity which may or may not be precipitous, the slope angle being dependent partly on the jointing, bedding and hardness of the materials from which the cliff has been formed, and partly on the erosional processes at work. Where wave attack is dominant the cliff-foot will be rapidly eroded and cliff retreat will take place, especially in unconsolidated materials such as clays, sands, etc., frequently leaving behind an abrasion platform at the foot of the cliff)
falaise glaciaire ice wall
falconiformes birds of prey
famille family (A group comprising parents, offsprings and others closely related or associated with them)
famille d'azotes nitrogen family
familles et groupes de substances families and groups of substances
famine famine
famine famine (A severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or over population. It may be due to poor harvests following drought, floods, earthquake, war, social conflict, etc.)
fange ooze mud
farine de cuir leather flours
farinette milling waste
farinette waste products of the flour industry
fatigue auditive acoustic fatigue