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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (12145 entries)
fait stylisé stylized fact
Fannie Mae Federal National Mortgage Association
Fannie Mae Fannie Mae
fardeau excédentaire excess tax burden
FAS renforcée Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
FAS renforcée enhanced SAF
FASR autoalimentée self-sustained ESAF
FASR autoalimentée self-financing ESAF
FASR autofinancée self-sustained ESAF
FASR autofinancée self-financing ESAF
FASR intérimaire interim ESAF
fatigue causée par le marché market stress
Fed Federal Reserve System
Fed Federal Reserve
Fed Fed
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
federal funds federal funds
fédéralisme budgétaire fiscal federalism
Fédération américaine du travail et Congrès des organisations industrielles American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
Fédération arabe du tourisme Arab Tourism Federation