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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
entreprise publique statutory public body
entreprise publique statutory public body (An association, supported in whole or part by public funding, that is established to operate programs for the public, often with little interference from government in day-to-day business)
entreprise respectueuse de l'environnement "green" company
entreprises firms
entreprises du secteur tertiaire service industry
entrer en résonance resonate, to
entretien des forêts maintenance of forests
entretien des sites upkeep of land
entretien des sites upkeep of countryside
entretien des surfaces upkeep of land
entretien des surfaces upkeep of countryside
entretien du paysage upkeep of the landscape
entretien routier road maintenance
entretien routier road maintenance (The care or upkeep of streets, highways and other routes, including improvements in alignment, widening and markings, and work involving buried cables, water mains or gas mains)
envasement siltation
envasement silting
envasement reservoir filling
envasement printanier spring sloughing
envasement printanier vernal sloughing
envasement vernal spring sloughing