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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
enseignements tirés de l'expérience lessons learned
Ensemble intégré de systèmes d'information Integrated Set of Information Systems
ensemencement sowing
enthalpie heat content per unit mass
entrée dans la vie active labour market entry
entrée dans la vie active labour market entry (entry into working life)
entrée-sortie input output
entrepreneur général coordonnateur coordinating general contractor
entreprise à domicile home based enterprise
entreprise à domicile home based enterprise (cottage industry)
entreprise agricole agricultural enterprise
entreprise appartenant aux salariés employee owned enterprise
entreprise appartenant aux salariés employee owned enterprise (workers cooperative)
Entreprise commerciale Commercial enterprise
entreprise commerciale commercial enterprise
entreprise d'intérêt collectif community enterprise
entreprise d'intérêt collectif community enterprise (Enterprises owned and organized by the community which provide local employment, local services and other benefits to the community)
entreprise en participation joint venture
entreprise en participation joint venture (Project involving persons, enterprises or organizations who combine their know-how, capital and/or labour to reach a common objective)
entreprise étrangère foreign enterprise