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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
enrochement rock-fill
enrochement anti-batillage rip-rap
enroulement "en patate" potato roll
ensalement salination
ensalement salination (The accumulation of soluble salts by evaporation of the waters that bore them to the soil zone, in a soil of an arid, poorly drained region)
enseignement teaching (The act of imparting knowledge or skill)
enseignement de l'environnement environmental teaching
enseignement général general education (Informal learning or formal instruction with broad application to human existence beyond the domain of any particular subject or discipline, often equated with liberal arts in the university setting and contrasted to courses required for a specific major or program)
enseignement primaire primary education (The first five or six years of instruction in elementary schools)
enseignement scolaire school teaching (Instruction or training received in any educational institution, but especially to persons under college age)
enseignement scolaire school teaching
enseignement secondaire secondary education (The years of instruction following elementary school and until the end of high school)
enseignement supérieur tertiary education
enseignement supérieur higher education (Study beyond secondary school at an institution that offers programs terminating in undergraduate and graduate degrees)
ensemble de données dataset
ensemble de programmes décennaux portant sur les modes de consommation et de production durables 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
ensemble historique historical complex
ensemble minimal de données préalables à la commercialisation (système OCDE) minimum premarketing set of data
ensemble résidentiel urbain urban settlement (A collection of dwellings located in an urban area)
ensemble résidentiel urbain urban settlement