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Terms for subject Microsoft (19206 entries)
durée partielle edge time
durée pessimiste pessimistic duration
durée pondérée weighted duration
durée réelle actual duration
durée restante remaining duration
durée totale total time
durée totale d'exécution wall-time
durée totale partielle edge total time
DV-AVI NTSC DV-AVI (Movie file format for captured video streams from a DV camera. Uses the NTSC television standard as opposed to PAL format)
DV-AVI PAL DV-AVI (Movie file format for captured video streams from a DV camera. Uses the PAL television standard as opposed to NTSC format)
DVD audio DVD-Audio
E-mail Mail
e-mail email
EAA EAC (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
Easy listening Easy Listening
écart variance
écart variance
écart d'acquisition négatif badwill