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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
couche aquifère aquifer
couche arable plough layer
couche cohérente de mousse caoutchouc bonded layer of foam rubber
couche d'inversion inversion layer (The atmosphere layer through which an inversion occurs)
couche d'ossements bone-bed
couche d'oxyde mill scale
couche d'ozone ozonosphere
couche d'ozone ozone shield
couche d'ozone ozone layer (The general stratum of the upper atmosphere in which there is an appreciable ozone concentration and in which ozone plays an important part in the radiative balance of the atmosphere)
couche d'ozone atmosphérique ozone layer
couche d'ozone atmosphérique ozonosphere
couche d'ozone stratosphérique ozone layer
couche d'ozone stratosphérique high-level ozone
couche d'ozone stratosphérique ozonosphere
couche d'ozone stratosphérique stratospheric ozone
couche d'ozone stratosphérique stratospheric ozone layer
couche de brume enveloping haze
couche de brume haze canopy
couche de contact contact bed
couche de couverture landfill covering