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Terms for subject Microsoft (19206 entries)
client Gestionnaire de configuration Configuration Manager client
client hérité Legacy Client
client intersociétés intercompany customer
Client Microsoft CRM pour Microsoft Office Outlook Microsoft CRM desktop client for Microsoft Office Outlook (The desktop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
Client Microsoft CRM pour Microsoft Office Outlook Microsoft CRM laptop client for Microsoft Office Outlook (The laptop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
Client Microsoft CRM pour Outlook Microsoft CRM desktop client for Outlook (The desktop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
Client Microsoft CRM pour Outlook Microsoft CRM laptop client for Outlook (The laptop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
client NFS NFS client
client non géré unmanaged client
client orphelin orphaned client
client parent parent customer
client passif passive client
client secondaire secondary customer
client simple simple client
client SMS SMS client
client UI Automation UI Automation client
client unique unique customer
client unique distinct customer
client VoIP voice client
client Voix Entreprise Enterprise Voice client