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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
gate (button/key)
carre square bar
carre square drive
hash (button/key)
number sign
square (button/key)
carré blanc white square in the corner of the screen indicating that a television programme is not recommended for children
carré d'agneau loin of lamb
carré d'as four aces
carré de bois wooden chock
carré de bois square sole-block
carré de choux cabbage patch
carré de mouton loin of mutton
carré de porc loin of pork
carré de veau loin of veal
carre élastique cracked edge
carré Hermès® designer headscarf made by Hermès
carreau sheer strake
carreau de Coons Coons patch
carreaux asphaltiles asphalt tiles