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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
caïman à museau large broad-snouted caiman
caïman du Rio Apaporis Apaporis river caiman
caïman du Rio Apaporis Apaporis spectacled caiman
caïmans alligators and caimans
caïque mitré pileated parrot
caïque mitré red-capped parrot
caisson de filtration d'air straight-through air filter
caisson paraphone noise reducing cover
calamité + sinistre disasters
calamité agricole agricultural disaster (Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestock)
calanque cove (1. A deep recess hollow, or nook in a cliff or steep mountainside, or a small, straight valley extending into a mountain or down a mountainside. 2. A valley or portion of lowland that penetrates into a plateau or mountain front)
calao à casque rond helmeted hornbill
calao à gorge claire plain-pouched hornbill
calao bicorne great Indian hornbill
calao bicorne great pied hornbill
calao bicorne de l'île Homray great Indian hornbill
calao bicorne de l'île Homray great pied hornbill
calaos hornbills
calayseurs retirés des véhicules, contenant des métaux précieux catalysts removed from vehicles containing precious metals
calcaire limestone