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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (1014 entries)
cabinet immobilier estate agent's office
café au lait white coffee
cage d'ascenseur lift shaft
cahier de brouillon roughbook
caisse d'Allocations familiales Child Benefit office
canapé convertible bedsettee
candidature multiple standing for election in several constituencies
candidature officielle standing as official candidate
canne blanche white stick
car immatriculé à Paris coach with a Paris registration number
carnet de notes school report
caviar d'aubergines aubergine puree
ce flic est un ripou he's a bent copper
ce lait est tourné this milk is off
ce lait est tourné this milk has gone off
ce qu'elle peut être pimbêche! she thinks she's Lady Muck!
ce train est un vrai tortillard this train stops at every cowshed
cela indigne les chrétiens démocrates et même les chrétiens tout court this is shocking to Christian Democrats and even to Christians full stop
celui-là, à la prochaine réunion, je me le paie I'll have his guts for garters at the next meeting
centrale ouvrière trade union confederation