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Terms for subject Construction (52658 entries)
bossage de la couche de colle fault due to glue layer swelling
bossage en pointes de diamant diamond rustic
bossage en pointes de diamant diamond-shaped relief facing
bosse de gravité hump yard
bosse de gravité gravity yard
bosse de triage hump yard
bosse de triage gravity yard
botel boathouse
bouchage plugging
bouchage grouting
bouchage driving-in
bouchage provisoire d'une voie d'eau emergency leak stopping
bouchardage bush hammering of masonry
bouchardage roughening of concrete
bouchardage bush hammer incision
bouchardage bush-hammering of masonry
bouchardage des surfaces surface incision
boucharde bush hammer
boucharde stone roughing hammer
boucharde granulating hammer