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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
bois ronds round wood
bois subfossile subfossil wood
bois sur pied destiné à être coupé standing timber intended to be felled
bois un café pour faire descendre tout ça have a coffee to wash it all down
bois un thé bien chaud have a nice hot cup of tea
bois-le chaud drink it (while it's) hot
boisement forestation
boiser set support
boiser timber
boiseries floor boards
boiseries wood panelling
boiseur prop setter
boiseur support man
boisson à la pulpe de fruit drink with real fruit
boisson distillée distilled beverage
boisson énergétique energetic drink
boisson sans alcool non-alcoholic drink
boissons à base de cacao cocoa-based beverages
boissons à base de café coffee-based beverages
boissons à base de chocolat chocolate-based beverages