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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
boissons en boîtes de conserve autoréfrigérantes self-chilling drinks cans
boîte de lavage wash-box
boîte terminale de refroidissement air-conditioning terminal unit
bombardement d'eau air attack
bombardement d'eau aerial attack
bombardier d'eau water bomber
bombe aérosol spray can (An aerosol can for applying paint, deodorant, etc., as a fine spray)
bombe aérosol spray can
bon de livraison advice (An official notice, opinion, counsel or recommendation that is optional or at the receiver's discretion)
bon état des eaux good water status
bon état écologique good environmental status
bon potentiel écologique good ecological potential
bone-bed bone-bed
bonne administration good management
bonne gestion good management
bonne gestion good management (The competent, skillful and successful process of planning, leading and working toward the accomplishment or completion of goals, objectives and mission of an organization or institution)
bonne gestion de l'environnement environmentally friendly management
bonne gestion des déchets dangereux adequate management of hazardous wastes
bonne qualité écologique de l'eau good ecological water quality
bonne-femme cocks and hens