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Terms for subject Finances (52417 entries)
biens immobiliers immovable property
biens immobiliers property
biens imposables taxable estate
biens incorporels intangible property
biens insaisissables exempt property
biens inventoriés property in the inventory
biens matériels tangible property
biens meubles corporels tangible personal property
biens mobiliers chattels
biens nantis pledged property
biens ou produits provenant ou obtenus directement ou indirectement ou utilisés dans le cadre du trafic international illicite de stupéfiants property or proceeds derived from, obtained directly or indirectly through or used in, illicit international drug trafficking
biens patrimoniaux property
biens réels material assets
bijouterie de fantaisie costume jewellery (US)
bilan statement of financial position
bilan agrégé aggregated balance sheet
bilan comparatif comparative balance sheet
bilan comptable statement of assets and liabilities
bilan consolidé consolidated balance sheet
bilan consolidé consolidated balance-sheet