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Terms for subject Transport (80970 entries)
bastingages weather rail
batardeau à double encoffrement coffer dam with double sheeting
batardeau à parois circulaires cellular cofferdam
batardeau à parois planes flat-walled cofferdam
batardeau à parois planes straight walled cofferdam
batardeau à tracé gabionné cellular cofferdam
batardeau amont upstream cofferdam
batardeau de secours safety coffer-dam
batardeau de secours emergency gate
batardeau en palplanches sheet pile cofferdam
batardeau mobile removeable coffer-dam
batardeau provisoire temporary sheet piling
batayole bulwark stanchion
batayole handhold stanchion
batayole bulwark stay
bateau boat
bateau à ailes portantes hydrofoil craft
bateau à amenagement limite limited-equipment vessel
bateau à aubes paddle boat
bateau à borde ondule ship with corrugated side