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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
attribuer une compétence de pleine juridiction give unlimited jurisdiction
attribution de licences licensing
attribution de parole calling of speakers
attribution de recours aux chambres cases assigned to chambers
attribution de terres land allotment
attribution de terres land allotment (Assignment of small plots of land to agricultural or non-agricultural workers for cultivation as a subsidiary source of income)
attribution des affaires assignment of cases
attribution des affaires assignment of each case
attribution des commissions duties of committees
attribution des tâches task assignment
attributions responsibilities
au niveau ministériel at ministerial level
au sens de l'article 36 3ème alinéa de.. under the third paragraph of Article 36 of...
aucun délai de procédure n'expire for the purposes of prescribed time-limits, time shall cease to run
aucune déchéance tirée de l'expiration des délais ne peut être opposée lorsque ... no right shall be prejudiced in consequence of the expiry of a time limit if ...
audience hearing
audience publique open court
audiocassette audiocassette
audition hearing
audition de confirmation confirmation hearing