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Terms for subject General (169618 entries)
assurance sur la vie life insurance underwriting
assurance tous risques comprehensive insurance
assurance verbale de promotion verbal assurance of promotion
assurance vieillesse retirement pension
assurance volontaire private health insurance
assurance volontaire private health cover
assurance-sécheresse drought insurance
assurance-vieillesse facultative Voluntary Old Age Pension Insurance
assurances insurance underwriting
assurant la présidence tournante current holder of the rotating Presidency
assurant la présidence tournante rotating President
assuré insured person
assuré the insured
assuré par les bénéfices d'exploitation covered out of operating profits
assure-toi que tout va bien make sure everything's OK
assurément (oui) yes, indeed!
assurément (oui) definitely!
assurément non! certainly not!
assurément non! indeed not!
assurer à (quelqu'un) un bon salaire secure a good salary for somebody