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Terms for subject Microsoft (19206 entries)
application hôte Common Language Runtime common language runtime host
application indépendante unbound application
application Internet riche rich Internet application
application liée bound application
application métier line-of-business application
application métier Silverlight Silverlight business application
application mobile mobile app
application Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication app
application ne prenant pas en charge les clusters cluster-unaware application
application Office classique familiar Office program
application Office familière familiar Office program
application Office pour SharePoint Office-enabled app for SharePoint
application OOBE out-of-box experience application (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
application OOBE OOBE application (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
application par partie de confiance relying party application
application pour Office app for Office
application pour opérateur mobile mobile operator app
application pour périphériques du Windows Store Windows Store device app
application pour SharePoint app for SharePoint
application pour Windows 8 app for Windows 8