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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
anti-grincement anti-drumming
anti-grincement anti-rattler
anti-grincement anti-squeak
anti-son active noise cancellation
anti-son active-noise control
anti-son adaptive noise control
anti-son anti-noise
anti-son antisound
antibiotique antibiotic (A chemical substance, produced by microorganisms and synthetically, that has the capacity to inhibit the growth of, and even to destroy, bacteria and other microorganisms)
antibruit antinoise
antibruit sound-proofing
anticipation d'un danger anticipation of danger
anticorps antibody (A complex protein that is produced in response to the introduction of a specific antigen into an animal. Antibodies belong to a class of proteins called immunoglobins, which are formed by plasma cells in the blood as a defence mechanism against invasion by parasites, notably bacteria and viruses, either by killing them or rendering them harmless)
anticyclone anticyclone
anticyclone high
antifouling antifouling agent
antihelmintiques anthelminthics
antilocapre de Californie pronghorn
antilope du Tibet Tibetan antelope
antilope saiga Saiga antelope