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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (1066 entries)
anciens des Communautés européennes former Community staff
année de cotisation year of contribution
années de service years of pensionable service
années de service years' service
années de service et assimilées years of pensionable service or years treated as such
annuité year of pensionable service
annuités years' service
appréciation du personnel personnel rating
arrangements visant la sécurité security arrangements
arrondir un montant round off an amount
ascendant ascendant
Assemblée générale du personnel General Meeting of the Staff
assistant senior administrative assistant
assistant adjoint administrative assistant
assistant de direction directorate assistant
assistant de secrétariat senior secretarial assistant
assistant de secrétariat adjoint secretarial assistant
assistant de soutien à la direction directorate support assistant
assistant du directeur général Assistant to the Director-General
assistant du directeur général Assistant to Director-General