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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (1066 entries)
agent spécialisé chargé de assistant responsible for
agent technique technical attendant
agent technique laboratory technician
agent technique chef de travaux chief laboratory technician
agent technique de laboratoire chaud hot laboratory technician
agent technique de laboratoire chaud laboratory technician (hot laboratory)
agent temporaire member of the temporary staff
agent temporaire temporary servant
agent temporaire temporary staff member
agent temporaire temporary agent
agents contractuels affectés à des tâches auxiliaires contract staff for auxiliary tasks
agents contractuels affectés à des tâches non essentielles contract staff for non-core tasks
agents de haute qualification scientifique ou technique highly qualified technical or scientific personnel
agents exerçant des fonctions de direction servants employed in a supervisory capacity
agrafeuse (D4) stapler (D4)
AIACE International Association of Former Officials of the EC
aide (m. & f.) assistant
aide-cantine canteen assistant
aide-électricien assistant electrician
aide-magasinier assistant storeman