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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
évaluation professionnelle vocational assessment
évaluation rapide rapid assessment
évaluation rapide rapid assessment (A research methodology that uses several data collecting strategies in order to achieve an understanding of a specific social reality or situation in a particular socio-cultural context. Usually carried out with the objective of formulating a project or some other kind of intervention)
événement en marge du Conseil event in the margins of the Council
événement extraordinaire exceptional occurrence
évolution au sein des Communautés européennes developments in the European Communities
ex contrevenant ex offender
Ex-Ante Unité Evaluation de l'impact Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit
Ex-Post Unité Evaluation de l'impact Ex-Post Impact Assessment Unit
examen au fond consideration of the substance of the application
examen d'entrée entrance examination
examen de la gestion management review
examen génétique genetic testing
examen sommaire summary examination
excédent surplus
excédent d'approvisionnement oversupply
excédent d'approvisionnement supply surplus
excédent de main-d'oeuvre labour surplus
excédent de main-d'oeuvre labour surplus (Situation where the number of workers available exceeds labour demand. (1997))
exception preliminary objection