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Terms for subject General (175568 entries)
assommer un bœuf fell an ox
assommoir blackjack
assommoir life-preserver
assommoir d'animaux animal stunner
assorti de accompanied by
assorti de coupled with
assorti de subject to
assortiment set
assortiment d'outils set of tools
assortiment d'outils tool kit
assortiment de charcuterie selection of cold meats
assortiment de charcuterie assorted cold meats
assortir match
assortir ses chaussures à sa ceinture match (one's) shoes with (one's) belt
assortir ses chaussures à sa ceinture match (one's) shoes to (one's) belt
assouplir ses positions take a softer line
assouplissement de l'indexation relaxation of the indexation
assouplissement du crédit easing of credit
ASSP Swiss Political Science Association