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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
acte act
acte act (legislation)
acte attaqué contested act
acte authentique official record
acte clair "acte clair"
acte contenant les causes de récusation et les offres de preuve statement of objection setting out the grounds of objection and indicating the nature of any evidence offered
acte contesté act concerned
acte de gestion administering act
acte de nomination instrument of appointment
acte de nomination d'un juge instrument of appointment of a Judge
acte de procédure pleadings
acte de procédure procedural document
acte de procédure a reply and a rejoinder or any other pleading
acte législatif + déclarations legislative act + statements
acte législatif de base basic legislative act
acte normatif enactment
acte normatif legislative instrument
acte préparatoire preparatory act
acte séparé separate document
Acte unique européen Single European Act (Came into force in 1987. Contains provisions which amend the original Treaties of the European Communities and underscores the objective of the EC to work towards European unity. (1997))