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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
abeille bees
abeille bee (Any of the membranous-winged insects which compose the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera characterized by a hairy body and by sucking and chewing mouthparts)
abeille tueuse Africanised bee
abeille tueuse Africanised honey-bee
abeille tueuse killer bee
abiotique abiotic
abondance écologique ecological abundance
abords approach (The way or means of entry or access)
abords (agglomération) approach
abords approach
Abrégé des prescriptions concernant le transport de types déterminés d'envois de matières radioactives Schedule of Requirements for the Transport of Specified Types of Material Radioactive Consignments
abri shelter (Cover or protection, as from weather or danger; place of refuge)
abri anti-feu forest fire shelter
abri conteneur container shelter
abri d'urgence emergency shelter (Shelter given to persons who are deprived of the essential needs of life following a disaster)
abri météorologique instrument shelter
abri pour animaux animal shelter (A protection providing housing for animals in bad weather)
abri pour animaux animal shelter
abri provisoire temporary shelter (Simple facilities for asylum or provisional lodgings to individuals or groups in emergencies)
abri provisoire temporary shelter