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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
notification letter of readiness
notification administrative personnel action
notification administrative request for personnel action
notification automatique des situations d'urgence automatic emergency notification
notification C&E C&L notification
notification concernant les inspecteurs et les équipages Notification of Inspectors and Crews
notification d'incident incident warning
notification d'incident de matières dangereuses hazardous goods incident notification
notification d'incident de matières dangereuses hazardous materials and incident notification
notification d'incident de matières dangereuses hazardous materials incident notification
notification de la conclusion de la Convention notification of the conclusion of the Convention
notification de la question notice of the question
notification de la suspicion notification of the suspected presence
notification de succession notification of succession
notification de transit notification of transit
notification des mises en demeure enforcement notification
notification des situations d'urgence et sécurité personnelle emergency notification and personal security
notification du dépositaire depositary notification
notification inverse counter-notification
notification inverse reverse notification