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Terms for subject General (175568 entries)
notes BIO BIO notes
notes d'information P information memos P
notes de commande order forms
notes de restaurant restaurant bills
notes en marge notes in the margin
notes en marge marginalia
Notes explicatives de Bruxelles Brussels Explanatory Notes
notes identiques identical notes
notes préparatoires preparatory memorandum
notes sténographiées shorthand notes
notes sténographiées notes in shorthand
notez bien, il a fait des progrès mind you, he's improved
notez que chaque enfant doit apporter un vêtement chaud please note that every child must bring something warm to wear
notez que je ne dis rien please note that I'm making no comment
notice entry
notice operating instructions
notice bibliographique bibliographical details
notice biographique career profile
notice biographique biographical note
notice d'emploi directions for use