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Terms for subject Economics (32199 entries)
"Europe à deux vitesses" "two speed" Europe
"Europe à deux vitesses" "two-tier" Europe
"gross-up" d'émissions obligataires gross-up of bond issues
"intouchable" dalit
"intouchable" scheduled caste
"intouchable" untouchable
"légèreté" minimale leanness
"Nord/Sud, du défi au dialogue? Propositions pour un nouvel ordre international" Reshaping the international order
"opérations blanches" blank "transactions"
"Partenariat pour la croissance et l'emploi" de Lisbonne Lisbon Partnership for Growth and Jobs
"Paysans" "Peasants"
"point mort" de la banque break-even point for a bank
"Promotion de l'innovation et encouragement de la participation des PME" promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation
"pub" advertisement
"pub" advertising
"saison de la faim" "hungry season"
"swap" sur l'or gold swap
"taux vert" green money system
"two-pack" second economic governance package
"two-pack" two-pack