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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
la question dans son ensemble the question as a whole
la question du nucléaire the nuclear energy question
la question du nucléaire the nuclear energy issue
la question l'a dérouté the question threw him off balance
la question mérite considération the question is worth considering
la question n'est pas traitable en une demi-heure the question cannot be dealt with in half an hour
la question ne se pose plus maintenant the question is irrelevant now
la question qui nous occupe the matter in hand
la question qui se pose maintenant est la suivante the question which must now be asked is the following
la quête du Graal the Quest for the Holy Grail
la quête éperdue de la vérité the frantic quest for truth
la queue du chat remuait the cat was wagging its tail
la queue du cheval remuait the horse was flicking its tail
la queue du chien remuait the dog was wagging its tail
la quintessence du romantisme the epitome of Romanticism
la quintessence du romantisme the very essence of Romanticism
la quintessence du romantisme the quintessence of Romanticism
la quotidienneté de leur existence the routine of their everyday life
la race blanche the white race
la race bovine cattle race