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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
isolation vibratoire vibratory insulation
isolement acoustique sound insulation
isolement acoustique des bâtiments soundproofing of buildings
isolement du précipité et dissolution dans l'eau régale isolation of the precipitate and dissolving in aqua regia
isolement écologique ecological isolation
isolement phonique des bâtiments soundproofing of buildings
isomère isomer (1. Two or more compounds having the same molecular formula, but a different arrangement of atoms within the molecule. 2. One of two or more chemical substances having the same elementary percentage composition and molecular weight but differing in structure, and therefore in properties; there are many ways in which such structural differences occur)
isomère gamma gamma isomer
isopyre false rue-anemone
isotherme zéro freezing level
isotope isotope (One or two or more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different numbers of neutrons)
isotopes de l'environnement environmental isotopes
isotrie fausse-médéole small whorled pogonia
isotrie verticillée large whorled pogonia
ithagine blood pheasant
ithagine ensanglantée blood pheasant
itinéraire route (Any established or selected course for passage or travel)
itinéraire à grande circulation traffic route (No definition needed)
itinéraire à grande circulation traffic route
ivoire ivory (The fine-grained creamy-white dentine forming the tusks of elephants, and the teeth or tusks of certain other large animals such as the walrus; it has long been esteemed for a wide variety of ornamental articles)