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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
habitation passive passive house
habitation solaire solar house
habitation-caverne cave dwelling
habitats terrestres Terrestrial habitats
habitats terrestres terrestrial habitats
haie hedge (A line of closely planted bushes or shrubs, marking the boundaries of a field. The type of hedge varies between parts of the country, and its age can be dated from the number of species of tree and shrub present. Over the last thirty years hedge-row removal has had a marked visual effect on lowland agricultural landscapes. From the farmer's point of view, in areas of predominant arable or intensively managed grazing, there is little or no economic justification for retaining hedges)
haie vive live fence
haie vive live hedge
halde waste dump
halde waste heap
halimolobos mince slender mouse-ear-cress
haliotide pie Northern abalone
halocarbone halogenated hydrocarbon
halocarbone halon
halocarbure halogenated hydrocarbon
halocarbure halon
haloforme haloform
haloforme haloform (A haloalkane, containing three halogen atoms, e.g. iodoform, CHI3; a haloform reaction is a reaction to produce haloforms from a ketone. For example, if propanone is treated with bleaching powder, the chlorinated ketone so formed reacts to form chloroform)
halogène organique adsorbable (AOX) adsorbable organic halogen (AOX)
halogènes adsorbés organiquement liés adsorbed organic halogen compounds