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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
eau et assainissement water and sanitation
eau et matières minérales exclues d.m.m.f.
eau et matières minérales exclues dmmf
eau et matières minérales exclues dry,mineral matter free
eau et matières minérales exclues dry,mineral-matter-free
eau faiblement saline low-salinity water
eau fluviale river water
eau fluviale river water (Water which flows in a channel from high ground to low ground and ultimately to a lake or the sea, except in a desert area where it may dwindle away to nothing)
eau fraîche incoming waters
eau fraîche natural water
eau fraîche raw water
eau fraîche untreated water
eau galvanique electroplating water
eau géothermale geothermal water
eau hydrostatique gravitational water
eau hydrostatique infiltration water
eau industrielle industrial water
eau industrielle water for industrial use
eau industrielle water for industrial use (Water used by industries for purposes such as fabrication, processing, washing and cooling, which is obtained from a public supply or through self-supplied sources)
eau industrielle process water