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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
Code civil européen European Civil Code
code communautaire relatif au régime de franchissement des frontières par les personnes Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders
code communautaire relatif au régime de franchissement des frontières par les personnes Schengen Borders Code
code composé arbitrary code
code composé memorized code
code confidentiel du titulaire PIN code
code contrainte duress PIN
code d'évaluation des risques risk assessment code
code d'identification authentification code
code d'identification individuel PIN code
code d'intégrité cryptographic checkfunction MIC
code d'intégrité cryptographic checkfunction message integrity code
code d'intégrité cryptographic checkvalue
Code de bonne conduite Code of conduct
Code de bonne conduite Guide to the obligations of officials and other servants of the European Parliament
Code de bonne conduite administrative Code of good administrative behaviour
Code de bonne conduite administrative code of good administrative conduct
code de bonne conduite administrative code of good administrative behaviour
Code de bonne conduite administrative Code of good administrative behaviour for staff of the European Commission in their relations with the public
code de bonne conduite administrative code of good administrative behaviour for the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union and its staff in their professional relations with the public