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Terms for subject Environment (31566 entries)
zone alluviale alluvial area
zone aménagée contre le feu fire management area
zone anoxique anoxic zone
zone aride water-deficiency area
zone aride water-shortage area
zone au paysage exceptionnel area of outstanding natural beauty
zone bathyale archi-benthic zone
zone bathyale bathyal zone
zone bioclimatique bioclimatic region
zone bioclimatique bioclimatic zone
zone brûlée burned area
zone calme d'une agglomération quiet area in a conurbation
zone calme d'une agglomération quiet area in an agglomeration
zone calme en rase campagne quiet area in open country
zone centrale de parc central park area (The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystem)
zone centrale de parc central park area
zone climatique climatic zone (A belt of the earth's surface within which the climate is generally homogeneous in some respect; an elemental region of a simple climatic classification)
zone cochylicole water capable of supporting shellfish
zone constructible building land (Area of land suitable for building on)
zone constructible building land